Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In My Fathers House (Slytherin story) P.S. I know I have things spelt wrong. I will edit it when I find the right spelling.

            “Lilly?” called my father.
            “Right here father. Would you like breakfast?” I ask as I came around the corner from the kitchen. I had been putting dishes away. My sleek, waist length, black hair flowed down my back. My father had shoulder length sleek black hair. Once he said my mother had black hair too, but not as dark as ours. I started helping my father from a very young age, and even though I was only eleven, I was extremely smart and mature. I had vivid green eyes that were neither my father’s nor, my mother’s. However, I knew I was named after someone important.
            “If you wish, my dear. I will be in the study.” He walked from the front room of our large, old house, to the dark study off to the left of the parlor. I watched him till he passed through the door. I returned to the kitchen and put the last of the plates and glasses away. Father invited the Malfoy’s over last night. Narssicia (sp) is beautiful and very nice to me. Lucius(sp) is handsome, but over bearing. Father out ranks him, but he always looks to impress anyone he can. They have a little boy named Draco. He is snobby and spoiled. He is only a year younger than I am, and he thinks he is in love with me. It is very tiresome to put up with him. It is true that Draco is handsome, but he is selfish and pigheaded.
            I started on breakfast for my father and myself. I didn’t yet have my wand, but I could still do magic. I flicked my hand over my shoulder at the frig. Eggs, cheese, and milk floated to the counter. I got a frying pan and made over easy eggs with a slice of cheese, and a glass of milk. I motioned for the plates of food to float to the study while I carried the milk. The plates sat themselves down; one on the desk and one on the side table where I ate while in the study.
            “What are we doing today?” I asked as I gave father his drink and sat in the lounge chair.
            “You should be getting your letter today or tomorrow. I have nothing planned today. Would you like to play outside today? Or learn something new?” He looked up from his plate and smiled just a little bit. “Of cause, I already know the answer. You are not impressed with even little Draco. Very well, something new.” He flicked his wand and the dishes disappeared. Father stood up and walked to the book case with his robes billowing behind him.
            “How did you know what I was thinking?” I asked curiously, with my head cocked to one side.
            Father grabbed a book and set it in front of me. “Occlomence (sp). Open to page two hundred and ninety seven. Occlomence (sp) is the power to read someone’s mind, and to block someone from reading yours. This is not a necessary skill, but very useful. This is very difficult magic. Such that, most fully qualified wizard are unable to do it. After you read that chapter let me know. Maybe we should invite Draco over and you can practice on him. It would be easier than trying it on me.” He sat back down across for me at his desk while I read. I listened to his quill scratch the parchment.
            “I’m finished. But I do not want to see that Malfoy boy twice within one week.” I stated bluntly about an hour later.
            “Oh, well I didn’t know you liked him so much.” my father teased back.
I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Oh, how will I ever survive without him? Please! He is so, so obnoxious.” I heard tapping at the window and squealed. “An owl! An owl! Oh I do hope it’s my letter!” I jumped up and ran to the kitchen window. As I paid the owl and got the mail, I could hear my father chuckling. I looked at the top parchment as I walked back into the dark study. “To Severous(sp) Snape” I handed my father his letter. “To The Snape Family. Should I open it, or you?” I showed him the envelope with its messy script.
“Give it here.” he said gently.
I looked at the last piece of mail. “Eeeeeep! It’s my letter!!” I squealed. I ran around the room saying, “Where do I open the letter?” to myself. I sat down in my chair and immediately stood back up. “No, not there.” My father scooted out his chair and opened his arms. I smiled and crawled into his lap and sat cross legged. Father wrapped his arms around me. I was clutching my letter in the safest place in the entire world.
“To Ms. Lillabeth ????? Snape. Spinners End. The Dark Study.” read my father. “Well you found the best place to open your letter, when are you going to open it?” he asked.
I took a deep breath and he kissed the top of my head.

 That's all for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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